What should I do after my CoP access has been refreshed?

  1. Open an incognito window.
  2. Log in to your participant dashboard, ideally using Google Chrome.
  3. Access your CoP via the green button.
  4. Click on each section to the end to check if everything is correct. (The percentage of completion won’t show up after refresh, but your responses, if any, are saved.)
  5. If you want to pause and submit later, please close the window and re-access from your participant dashboard for each round of work.
  6. Submit your CoP, which will become publicly available on your Global Compact profile within a couple of minutes, unless submitted in 'private mode' by eligible participants.

Note that the completion percentage doesn't show up after the refresh, so please click into the section where you have entered responses to see if everything is correct.

Please reach out to cop-support@unglobalcompat.org if anything isn't correct. 
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